Wo ist der Dislike-Button? (Leaving Facebook)

Mittwoch, 22. April 2020 | Lesezeit: | Tags: |

Facebook - Dislike-Button
Sehr hübsche Idee: Aktives „Disliken“ von Facebook. Angetrieben von der verdienstvollen Free Software Foundation, die unter der Überschrift „Why you should #DeleteFacebook“ völlig richtigerweise schreibt:

When you use Facebook, you give up control over your computing to a server run by someone else — it’s Service as a Software Substitute. The parts of it that do run on your local system are nonfree JavaScript (or other kinds of nonfree software, if you use the mobile app). Because you cannot inspect or modify either the code on Facebook’s servers, nor the nonfree code running on your system, you are expected to trust that code only Facebook can read does what Facebook says it does.
Using the unethical power of SaaSS and nonfree software, Facebook disregards your privacy by tracking, recording, and selling as much of your data as it can get.

Ich denke, ich baue morgen meine kleine FB-Domain ab…


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